This week you will receive your Uniform Pension Statement (UPO) 2023. The UPO is the annual moment to take a look at your pension and we would like to help you with that! Whether by phone, email or webinar, we would like to get in touch with you to answer your questions about your pension. Choose how you want to be in contact with us.
You can find your UPO in My Documents.

We need your email address!
We also like to be in contact with you! And we prefer to do that by e-mail. An e-mail is cheaper and better for the environment! Have you already given us your e-mail address? Log in to MyStaplesPensioen and give us your e-mail address.
Prefer to call or email?
You can reach us on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at (020) 426 63 20 or
Your UPS in My documents
Do you only want to receive your UPO digitally? Turn on digital communication under My details. You will receive an e-mail as soon as digital mail is ready for you.