The composition of the board and the accountability body will change: You can run for the board or the accountability body (vo) on behalf of (future) pensioners.
Due to the absence of an employer, the composition of the board of Stichting Pensioenfonds Staples is going to change. There will be two independent directors appointed by the board. In addition, there will now be two members on behalf of future pensioners (officially called former members) and four members on behalf of current pensioners on the board.
Since there is now no employer and works council to nominate directors, the current board wants to change the composition of the board. After all, in order to make valid decisions, directors must first be able to be properly appointed. The board of Stichting Pensioenfonds Staples (SPS) now consists of eight members. Four on behalf of the employer, two on behalf of the employees and two on behalf of the pensioners. There are no board members on behalf of future pensioners.
These changes require the appointment of two board members on behalf of future pensioners and two board members on behalf of pensioners. For these appointments, the Staples Pension Fund Members' Association (VDPS) may nominate candidates. To ensure continuity, expertise and experience on the board in doing so, the VDPS nominates the current board members with the above areas of interest.
In addition, as a (future) pensioner, you can also put yourself forward as a candidate for the board. Provided you are supported by 25 other (future) pensioners.
What does being a pension fund board member entail?
Board membership is a responsible position with high demands. As a director of the pension fund, you deal with several important issues in terms of content. For example, you are concerned with how the pension fund can prepare for future developments. In doing so, you always take the interests of all stakeholders in the pension fund into account in a balanced way. A board member's term of office is four years.

Candidates for the board
- Board members on behalf of future pensioners
This is the position of chairman of the investment committee whose area of focus is 'investments' as well as 'managing an organisation'. The second director also has 'investments' as a focus area in addition to 'financial affairs'. - Bestuursleden namens de pensioengerechtigden
This is the position of secretary to the board, whose areas of focus are also: 'pension schemes and pension types', 'outsourced and commissioned work' and 'investments'. The second director's focus areas are 'administrative organisation/internal control' and 'outsourced and commissioned work'.
Candidates for the board
Below you can read when you are eligible to stand as a candidate yourself.
- You must meet the job profile and be supported by 25 other future pensioners.
- You have until 6 September at the latest to respond and stand for election.
Responses on or after that date will not be considered.
If there are several suitable candidates for a board position, elections will follow.
The accountability body is also changing
Besides the composition of the board, the composition of the accountability body (VO) will also be adjusted. From now on, this will consist of six members, of which two members on behalf of future pensioners and four members on behalf of current pensioners. These adjustments require the appointment of four VO members on behalf of pensioners and two VO members on behalf of future pensioners. The VDPS may nominate candidates. To ensure continuity, expertise and experience in the Accountability Body in this respect, the VDPS nominates four current members of the Accountability Body on behalf of pensioners and one current member on behalf of future pensioners. As a (future) pensioner, you can nominate yourself for VO membership. You must meet the job profile. Again, if there are several suitable candidates for a position, elections will follow.
What does the position of accountability body member entail?
The role of the Accountability Body is to give an annual opinion on the actions of the Board, the policy pursued by the Board and the Board's policy choices for the future. In doing so, the Accountability Body judges whether the Board balances the various interests. Given the tasks of the Accountability Body, the Board considers it essential that the Accountability Body has certain qualities and that the members of the Accountability Body are suitable for performing their function. The term of office of an Accountability Body member is four years.
Job profiles and Internal Regulations
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Want to know more?
For more information on the nomination or the job profile, you can also contact the Pension Fund's Board Secretariat at You can also contact us by phone at telephone number (020) 426 63 20.